Safety at Work
At FIS-ASP, safety at work is based on 3 pillars:
1. Measures on the basis of legal obligations in the field of occupational and health protection
2. Voluntary measures within the scope of workplace health promotion in order to optimize the health situation of the employees
3. Intensified promotion of the health issue within the corporate strategy.
The avoidance of accident hazards as well as a comprehensive occupational integration management are the goals of our labor protection. To protect our employees and partners against potential dangers, we regularly and preventively review our buildings, work centers and work conditions in close cooperation with our external consulting partners and company doctors and implement potential measures, also in QM management, according to the PDCA cycle.
It is the goal of our occupational health management to maintain and promote the health of our employees. For this purpose, we regularly offer health days as well as various measures for individual health promotion.
It is the goal of our strategic health management to integrate safety at work into our management system and apply the classical QM methods for our safety at work and health protection as well in order to achieve the best possible results.